Many hijabers who enjoy using pashmina cashmere material to move. Some of them happy hijab creation to make it look more attractive. But not a few veiled women are still confused as to what wants to be creative when using pashmina. The following tutorial hijab accented with a twist using the style pashmina pretty bloody Arab-Turkish, Mouzalina, which is the first winner of Hijab Hunt 2014.
Step 1
Prepare pashmina cashmere materials that match the color of your clothing. Place it on top of the head with the right side is shorter than the left. Then embed safety pin under the chin.
Step 2
Take the short put at the top of the head. Pin pin on the end. Make sure the needle has been pinned up ciput used that are not easily separated.
Step 3
The long side is also brought to the top of the head. Then take it to the right through the top of the head.
Step 4
Take the ends and then turn it back to the left through the front of the neck. Embed a pin at the end.
Step 5
Take the middle and then turn it to the back of the head. Embed a pin on the back. Make sure the pin pinned well.
Step 6
Tutorial hijab finish accented with a twist. You can apply these styles when to work, hangout with friends, or vacation.
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